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Python Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester
Note 1 Image

Python Unit 1

Introduction to Python Programming

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Note 2 Image

Python Unit 2

Lists, Dictionary and Functions

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Note 3 Image

Python Unit 3

Graphics and Image Processing

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Note 4 Image

Python Unit 4

OOPs Concepts and Multithreading

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Database Management System Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester

DBMS Unit 1

Database System Architecture and Data Models

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DBMS Unit 2

Relational Query Languages, Database Design and Query Processing

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DBMS Unit 3

Storage Strategies and Transaction Processing

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DBMS Unit 4

Database Security and Advanced Topics

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Data Structure Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester

DSA Unit 1

Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

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DSA Unit 2

Stacks And Queues

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DSA Unit 3

Linked Lists and Trees

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DSA Unit 4

Sorting and Graph

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Digital Electronics Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester

DE Unit 1

Fundamentals of Digital Systems and Logic Families

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DE Unit 2

Combinational Digital Circuits

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DE Unit 3

Sequential Circuits and Systems

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DE Unit 4

A/D and D/A Converters, Memories and PLDs

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Economics Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 3rd Semester

Eco Unit 1

Introduction to Economics and Demand

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Eco Unit 2

Production and Cost Analysis

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Eco Unit 3

Market and Supply

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Eco Unit 4

Indian Economy

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OS Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 4th Semester

OS Unit 1

Introduction to Operating System and Process

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OS Unit 2

Inter-Process Communication and Deadlocks

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OS Unit 3

Memory Management and Virtual Memory

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OS Unit 4

File and Disk Management

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OOP Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 4th Semester

OOP Unit 1

Fundamental of OOP

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OOP Unit 2

Inheritance and Pointers

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OOP Unit 3

Constructors, Operator Overloading and Polymorphism

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OOP Unit 4

Exception Handling and Templates Programming

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WT Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 4th Semester

WT Unit 1

Introduction to Web Technology (HTML and CSS)

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WT Unit 2

Introduction to XML

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WT Unit 3

Introduction to PHP

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WT Unit 4

Introduction to AJAX

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COA Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 4th Semester

COA Unit 1

Data Representation and Register Transfer

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COA Unit 2

Basic Computer Organisation and Design

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COA Unit 3

Pipelining and Parallel Processors

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COA Unit 4

Input-Output and Memory Organization

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OB Notes

MDU B.Tech CSE 4th Semester

OB Unit 1

Introduction of Management

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OB Unit 2

Introduction to Organisation

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OB Unit 3

Interpersonal Processes

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OB Unit 4

Organizational Processes

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